Saturday, April 14, 2012

love my pets...

Picture is a bit dark but it is one of my favs of the furry kids and not so furry kid. 

In my quest to get back to my vegetarian lifestyle I thought about my two dogs...Cocoa is the very dark image on the right and Lucky is the tan/white dog upper left.  Both are rescues, Cocoa is a pitbull that looks like Cesar Millan's dog Junior.  We rescued her when she was two from a family that was going to take her to the pound.  Lucky he is a pitbull mix, mixed with crazy as we say in this house, was also a rescue from a family who was taking him to the pound at 4 months because OH MY GOSH he pees a lot.  Hello - 4 month old puppies pee all the time it seems.  According to the vet he seemed to have sustained some head injuries.  I often wonder if he was hit because he had accidents in the house.  Anyway, I digress.  Of course the not so furry kid is my son.  They always sleep around him and yes in my home my dogs are very spoiled they enjoy the couch.

As I was saying about getting back to a healthier lifestyle, one I maintained for a number of years until I was out of work last year.  I suddenly felt compelled to eat like some crazed woman, believe me my health is paying the price for it and boy is it hard to get them pounds back off.  Any who, my dogs suffered because they were not getting healthy food they normally get either until recently.  I found this fantastic dog food that they both seem to love.

Not only is the dog food vegan, nutritious and awesome it also comes in a compostable bag.  Look at that I even managed to get an Earth Day tip in with a product review, buy products that are compostable are a great green tip.  Plus buying healthy nutritious vegan dog food can reduce environmental impact that traditional dog food can produce.

Check it out your dogs will love it. This is not a paid post by the way....

Cocoa Bean and Lucky One
Here is Lucky who is 16 months and Cocoa who will be 5 in May enjoying their favorite past time sleeping!  They just came home from a 3 mile jog and decided it was nap time.  So today's tip while you are getting healthy and going green for Earth Month don't forget those furry friends who love you no matter your size, what clothes you own, the latest shoe you bought or what your status says on Facebook...they just want to love and please you unconditionally!

Now get out and play with your pets and if you do not have one go adopt one, our animal shelters across the US are over flowing with pets in need of homes. You don't have to adopt a puppy or kitty, older animals already have been potty trained and are not as hyper!

Have a wonderful weekend...see you next post with some tips on going green for Earth Day promise!

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